About the project
Between December 2013- June 2016 ProPark together with EUROPARC Federation implement the project “Enhancing education opportunities in the field of sustainable development for protected area managers in Romania”, funded by DBU - Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (German Federal Foundation for the Environment) with the amount of 102,758 Euro, while the partners' contribution was 106,627 Euro.
The project aims to create mechanisms and use innovative approaches to enhance the transfer of information and knowledge to protected area staff, regarding nature conservation activities, their importance and the way how they should be integrated in sustainable development processes.
Why have we initiated this project?
Because we want to see a higher level of understanding among protected area staff with respect to the role of protected areas, including Natura 2000 network, in sustainable development, by blending online and face-to-face training sessions organised according to the occupational standard for "Protected Area Specialist".
What activities will be implemented?
- Adapting the curricula and programme for the Protected Area Specialist occupation to enable the combination of online and face-to-face sessions.
- Preparing training materials for 12 modules.
- Preparing training materials for 14 online modules.
- Organising and undertaking the training sessions.
- Improving course materials.
The project is an opportunity to enhance ProPark's capacity to provide innovative/ alternative training and skill assessment instruments for protected area staff, using modern information systems.
Online programme structure
Protected Areas - basic elements
- Description of the current condition of Nature,
- Reasons for its degradation;
- Biodiversity - basic elements (ecosystems, habitats, species and conservation methods);
- Protected Areas - history;
- Changes in understanding / approach to protected areas - from protection to conservation;
- Protected areas - definitions (IUCN and RO) and management categories.
Funding opportunities
- Introduction;
- The life cycle of a project - initiation, preparation, implementation and completion / assessment;
- Funding in the context of protected areas:
- Analysis of the current status
- Assessment of development needs
- Necessary instruments to access funding;
- Analysis of the types of funding:
- non-reimbursable,
- sponsorships from companies,
- funding from the local (county) budget,
- revenue generating activities
- Implementing the funded projects;
- Myths about accessing non-reimbursable funding.
Sustainable management of water resources
- Strategic planning and the stakeholders involved in water resource management;
- The importance of aquatic resources in the context of sustainable development;
- The research and assessment of aquatic systems;
- Management principles and recommendations.
Sustainable management of game resources
- Thematic introduction in the sustainable management of game resources;
- About fauna / game resources - values, threats, causes;
- Management principles and recommendations;
- Management planning for fauna/ game resources;
- Stakeholder involvement in the planning process.
Sustainable forest management
- Forest management - general aspects;
- Forest planning;
- Forestry techniques;
- FSC certification;
- Protected Areas - general aspects;
- Forest and Climate Change.
Sustainable management of agricultural resources
- The importance of agricultural resources for the economy, society and environment;
- Management principles and recommendations for maintaining biodiversity;
- Strategic planning in this field;
- Integrated approach of planning in this field.
Strategic planning of natural resources
- Pre-planning (organisation);
- Assessment of the current standing of the field under discussion;
- Strategic and operational planning elements (strategy and action plan);
- Monitoring and assessment. Institutional arrangements;
- Implementation planning (follow-up).
Communicating the importance of protected areas
- Interpersonal communication techniques:
- Nonverbal communication;
- Active listening;
- Assertiveness;
- Feed-back;
- Team;
- Building a team;
- Team communication;
- Conflict;
- Transmitting messages about the protected area values.
Community relations in protected areas
- Introduction, basic notions and concepts
- Knowing the communities - methods
- Stakeholder analysis
- Planning and developing community relations
- Strategic Environmental Assessment
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Appropriate Assessment